Think Twice Before Splurging On These Home Trends In 2024

Let's get straight to it — some popular 2024 home design trends may not be worth the money. Whether you are designing the floor plan for your dream new build, thinking about renovating your kitchen, or just simply wanting to spruce up your home in general, you need the best possible advice to make the best choices. So, we asked expert interior designers for their thoughts on the most popular trends of the year and they didn't hold back.

Some of the things popping up in everyone's home and on all our favorite HGTV shows are just downright tacky, according to our experts. Some of them might not be deserving of spending on if you don't have a specific use for them already, while others still might begin to date your home as early as next year. We know it's not advisable to splurge on anything that isn't truly worth the money, which is why we found out what you should skip — and what to swap in its place — before you make any home design mistakes.

Gray LVP flooring already dates your home

LVP stands for luxury vinyl plank. It is a popular flooring option that has gained significant traction in recent years. LVP is engineered to mimic the look and feel of hardwood flooring while still offering several advantages over traditional wood flooring options. However, some experts believe that the flooring is nearing the end of its reign and you shouldn't splurge on it. "LVP, especially in gray, gained a lot of popularity the last few years," Veronica Solomon, President and Lead Interior Designer at Casa Vilora Interiors shared with House Blog in an exclusive interview.

Unfortunately, as with any trend, its overuse can cause a saturation in the market and encourage people to move on. "They are quickly looking a bit dated," she continued. If you want something a little bit less expensive and not as generic, you should "opt for engineered wood floors in a classic white oak stained in a nice natural color or darker stain." Wooden floors in natural colors have always been in style, while colors like gray tend to come and go.

Avoid buying cheap, generic art just for the sake of it

"Store-bought art, just don't," warned MJ Coyle, Owner of MJ Coyle Design in an exclusive interview with House Blog. While it might be easy to pop into stores like Target or IKEA and pick up prints to finish your space, it's likely this art is poor quality and also in everyone else's home, too. "Instead, support a local artist or make a piece of art that speaks to you!" When buying this mass-produced art, you are more likely to run into problems than if you purchase something bespoke. "The store-bought stuff is pricey and cheaply made," Coyle continued. "When you buy the store-bought stuff you are bound to be over it way sooner than if you buy actual artist art!"

Buying original art doesn't have to be expensive. The average decorator would skip out on auction houses like Sotheby's and can instead head to their local flea market, street fair, or even gift shop. Often, small businesses partner with local artists and sell their work on consignment. When you shop this way, everyone wins. But why go through all this trouble? "I think art really defines a space and lets guests in on who you are as a person," Coyle said.

Open floor plans had their heyday

The open floor plan is likely one of the most popular for its spaciousness and flexibility. By removing walls between living spaces, fans of the style think they create a sense of interconnectedness and flow. This can be ideal for social interaction, maximizing natural light, and allowing for easier furniture arrangement. However, some experts feel like the trend is played out. "Although this trend isn't new to 2024, it has always been a desirable feature for homebuyers," Veronica Solomon said. Yet she isn't the option's biggest fan.

"If you are building a new home, talk to your architect about creating a more traditional floor plan that still has some openness, but not the typical vast open space where the kitchen can be viewed from every room of the main area," she advised. "Incorporate walls with arched openings if you can for a more architecturally significant feel." This way, each room in the house feels a touch more private and functional. You aren't closing everything off with doors and tight hallways, but you are making it so all your guests in the dining room can't see directly into your kitchen (which might be a mess during entertaining!).

Don't buy into viscose rugs

A viscose rug is made from fibers derived from wood pulp, known as rayon. It is a versatile synthetic fiber often used as a soft, shiny silk substitute. However, they can be a bit expensive and our experts recommend you stay away. "Viscose rugs, while they may have an aesthetic appeal due to their softness and sheen, they generally remain one of my least favorite options for rugs when it comes to my clients," Bilal Rehman, Interior Designer, Founder and Owner of Bilal Rehman Studio told House Blog in an exclusive interview.

The reasoning behind his stance is that viscose fibers are less durable than natural and synthetic fibers, so they wear out quickly in high-traffic areas. They are also highly absorbent, and therefore are prone to staining and discoloration when exposed to moisture. Viscose rugs are difficult to clean, shed more, and have a shorter lifespan compared to other rugs. So, what are buyers meant to replace them with? "Instead of viscose rugs, I would highly recommend going for wool," Rehman said. They are "durable, soft, and naturally insulating options that resist stains, trap allergens, and offer timeless style, making them a versatile and eco-friendly choice for any home."

All white kitchens might not be as classic as you think

Our experts aren't shy about pushing back against classic trends if they think the style isn't worth it. MJ Coyle laid it all out there when asked about things to avoid. "All white kitchens. Yep, I said it," he shared. Revamping your kitchen is one of the priciest home upgrades you can make. So, if you are going to pull the trigger, you need to make sure you are sold on the style for all the right reasons and not just because everyone else is doing it.

"If you are remodeling your kitchen and you find yourself going all white, you'll have regrets," Coyle continued. "It's not worth the splurge to just white out the heart of your home." While white kitchens have long been heralded as a classic, Coyle advises that too many people are taking the idea too far in recent years. Instead, you need to strike a balance between white and warmth to create a more viable living space. To do this, you should "add as much warmth and character as you can. Think natural wood cabinetry and stone surfaces with more exciting veining and contrast."

Think twice before buying smart appliances

Sometimes smart appliances are more hassle than they are worth, especially if you don't plan on using all their functions. "When it comes to selecting appliances, I always encourage my clients to prioritize quality and reliability over the latest smart appliances," Bilal Rehman said. "While smart appliances can offer convenience, such as smart fridges or advanced laundry systems, they often come with a higher price tag and tons of compatibility issues."

Instead of purchasing smart appliances just because, Rehman suggests taking a look at your kitchen and thinking about how you use it before splurging. "Tailor your appliance selection to align with your daily routine," he said. "For example, if you rarely cook, prioritize basic appliances over high-end ones, but if cooking is a significant part of your life, consider investing in quality items like a premium stove." At the end of the day, you should look for longevity and ease of use in your appliances before purchasing, rather than just going for the next best thing. "Opting for trusted brands and well-built appliances ensures longevity and avoids the potential pitfalls of investing in new but unreliable technology," Rehman advised.

Don't make your stairs the main focus of your entryway

If you have a two-story home, your entryway likely features stairs. Yet, our experts say that, when designing a home, think twice about splurging on more "conventional floor plans where the staircase to the second level takes center stage." Veronica Solomon warns that while "stairs can be a beautiful feature of a home, [they aren't] the most beautiful to always be the focal point when you walk into a home." Placing the stairs right at the front near the door immediately draws the eye up and away from the foyer. 

It doesn't matter if you've spent thousands on polished tile or have an original Van Gogh hanging across from the door — people aren't going to notice it if the stairs are taking up all the visual space. Instead, you should "create a grand foyer where the stairs are a bit more of a background feature versus the main thing," Solomon said. You can do this by placing the stairs to the side of the door, so you look past them as you walk in instead of straight at them.

Furniture that is too of the now will be out of style almost immediately

Social media is a great tool to find ideas for your home design. You can browse your favorite decorator's Pinterest boards, or scour TikTok for the next best thing. Yet, sometimes the curse of social media is that trends move so quickly that by the time your online order arrives, it's no longer relevant. "As an interior designer, there are certain design choices that I find particularly challenging, and one of them is furniture that lacks versatility," Bilal Rehman warned. "It's crucial to avoid pieces that are too literal or trendy, as they can quickly become outdated and limit your ability to adapt your space over time."

Unfortunately, this happens often in the world of design, which is why Rehman wants others to be aware. "I often see this with my clients who have invested significant sums into trendy pieces, only to find themselves feeling trapped by their choices as their tastes and needs evolve," he said. So how do you avoid this? The key is to move just a touch slower when making design choices, so you have the opportunity to zoom out and be more creative in your thinking. "Instead of investing your last few hundred dollars into a green velvet sofa that you swear is gonna be with you forever, look into implementing those pops of color in accessories, rather than the larger more expensive pieces in your space," Rehman advised.

Accent walls are on their way out

Accent walls are a popular trend in 2024, and have been for years — but one of our experts thinks they are best left in the past. "Wallpapered or painted accent walls always make a room feel unfinished to me," Veronica Solomon shared. This is because accent walls can disrupt the flow and cohesion of a room's design, creating visual barriers and making the space feel disjointed, imbalanced, and less aesthetically appealing. Another mistake you can make with accent walls is that, in smaller rooms, they can also overpower the limited space, making the room feel cramped. Bold or dark colors can shrink the perceived size of the room even more.

As Solomon believes, one of the most significant drawbacks of accent walls is their potential to make a room look unfinished. Because accent walls draw attention to a single area of the room, they can create a sense of imbalance if the rest of the space is left bare or under decorated. This can give the impression that the design is incomplete or hastily put together, detracting from the overall sophistication and polish of the room. To avoid this downfall, you should "opt for a painted or wallpapered ceiling instead, where possible, or paint/wallpaper the whole room." This way, everything looks cohesive and finished.

Matchy-matchy finishes are best left behind

Sometimes it's best not to sweat the small stuff. Designer Bilal Rehman shared that he finds it "fascinating how much attention and budget are allocated to coordinating finishes within a space." When, in reality, you don't actually need to have everything matching perfectly to have a coordinated final product. "Personally, I'm a big advocate for mixing metals and finishes throughout a design. This approach adds depth and character, creating a curated aesthetic that feels more dynamic compared to a uniform all-gold or all-silver scheme," he said.

In the past, designers might have insisted you only have finishes in one color throughout a space, but Rehman insists that this design choice is quite outdated. You should try to do the opposite, as the best results often come from mixing metals for "a more modern and visually intriguing result." Matching all the finishes can be a logistical nightmare, so fully " embrace the opportunity to mix metals." The colors that go best together are, in most cases, all of them. So don't be afraid to mix silver, chrome, and brass across drawer pulls, light switch covers, and even faucets.