The Best Ways To Kill Weeds Without Killing Your Yard, According To An Expert - Exclusive

Taking care of weeds in your yard or garden can feel like a full-time job. Their ability to sprout up wherever they please and spread to all reaches of your outdoor areas can be a frustrating thing to witness. From dandelions and crabgrass to purslane and creeping Charlie, these types of common weeds can be disastrous to your lawn if not properly taken care of. But what makes these different types of weeds so terrible?

Weeds can be broken down into a number of classifications such as invasive, noxious, garden, and lawn types. Although all weeds are just like any other plant — in that they reproduce and flower — they are also very competitive and fast-growing and can steal the water, soil nutrients, and space away from your existing plants and vegetables; they can also encourage pests and insects to overrun the area, as per Weed Man. In some cases, like the giant hogweed, they can actually be detrimental to your health; according to the CBC, this invasive weed can grow well over 12 feet in height and if it were to come into contact with your skin, it could cause harmful burns and abrasions. 

That's why if you want a weed-free lawn you need to act fast. Luckily, Sarah Beaumont — expert, founder, CEO, and Creative Director of Indoor Home Garden — shared some helpful tips that can rid your yard of weeds, but not cause any harm to it in the process in an exclusive interview with House Blog.

A natural solution

Some varieties of weeds can be good to grow if you're living a more natural lifestyle. However, their ability to quickly reproduce and choke surrounding plants is a huge reason why people want these weeds off their property. To that end, Sarah Beaumont has some pointers for getting rid of these pesky plants without the use of harsh chemicals. She understands, however, that some options are more feasible than others. "While the safest method for removing weeds from your yard will be pulling them up by hand, this isn't viable for most sizes of lawns as you'll spend many hours a day trying to get them all," she explained. 

Instead, Beaumont advises a natural mixture that could do the trick. "I would recommend creating a solution of hot water, salt, and a small amount of dish soap," she continued. "Hot water and salt are excellent for drying out leaves and killing roots — and as long as the concentrated amount of the solution goes on to the weeds you wish to get rid of, then your grass should be safe."